see whether they are are of God, for many false prophets have
gone out into the world."- 1 John
Warning to the elders and members of the Churches of Christ
across America: Beware to prevent these apostate dividers
from taking over your church! See the warning signs below ...
The Lord rebuke Bruce Rokus and heretic apostate Jeff Walling.
Heresy leads the current 'new' so called 'Crosspoint Christian Church'
led by Bruce Rokus. This was the 'Whittier Church of Christ' at
8155 Painter Ave. Whittier, Ca 90602. It became an apostate heresy
church sometime before Jan. 2015. This change appears to have been
encouraged by heretic Jeff Walling through it's eldership and preacher.
Warning to the elders and members of the Churches of Christ
across America: Beware and prevent these apostate dividers
from taking over your church! See the warning signs below:
Mr. Walling was an advocate of the Crossroads church movement
in the early 80's, which hurt the Church of Christ in the media,
especially in the San Diego area where my Mother and Father lived.
The Crossroads movement was labeled a cult because of it's
un-scriptural - over - the -top practices.
Because of that bad publicity, my Mother would not go to church
with me back then when I invited her. I lived and attended a very
faithful loving church in Orange County CA at the time.
I was told recently by a top Church of Christ preacher in the area
that Mr. Rokus and his Whittier Church of Christ 'elders' merged
with the Crosspoint denomination about a year and a half ago. ... "Beware of the false prophets,
who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves."
- Jesus Christ, Matthew 7:15
To learn what has happened to this church, GOOGLE and read
'What happened to the Madison church'. This is Jeff Wallings wicked
goal and drive.The same has happened to the Whittier Church of Christ.
Faithful brethren have left it and gone to the Downey Church of Christ,
an awesome church !
The evidence shows, in my over all view, that Satan has taking
over some churches in a sinister and devious plot designed by
Jeff Walling and his cohorts who have left the Lord. They are on a
hell driven bent attempt to takeover the Lord's church, the
Churches of Christ across America, and turn them into ungodly,
unscriptural heresy driven Rick Warren Saddleback so called
'Community' type churches. The result includes removing the name
Church of Christ from the Whittier church of Christ marquee and replacing
it with a different name such as 'Crosspoint Christian Church' on the outside
church marquee.
On Sunday 2/1/15, it was told to me by a member of the
Whittier Church Of Christ ( who now attends another Church of Christ
because of Bruce Rokus and his cohort dividing the Whittier church)
that the elders of the Whittier church of Christ had sometime ago gone to
the Rick Warren Saddleback church (apostasy church) and gotten packets
to learn how to create a Rick Warren Saddleback community church
out of the Whittier church of Christ. This member that one elder was
walking around the Whittier church of Christ with a Saddleback
community church promotional that said 'Saddleback Community
Church' on it.
To The Lord's Church: beware of the signs and don't let these wolves in
sheep's clothing take over your church!
One sign of this plot being attempted in your church is the attempt
of individuals to 'Youth Groupify' the general assembly worship service
with '7-11 songs'. These are youth group sounding songs, played and shown
on a blue scree that have a strained, dull or empty drone sound with little
melody when sung. These are songs with 'Seven Words, and The Verses
Repeated Eleven Times', and have the result of being of little, if any, spiritual
value at all. This is an immature movement by former youth leader Jeff Walling,
who seems to have to refused to grow up.
Another sign is the attempt by individuals in your church to get a blue screen
installed in the front of your worship hall to play the songs of worship on it.
This is where they want for all to follow, the ' 7-11' songs. Tell them
NO. It would detract from a strong worship service and cause members
not use the song books.
Another sign of the coming plot on your church is the attempt by
individuals to have a 'Worship Teams' of singers, a set of three or four
individuals singing in the front of worship facing the congregation singing
songs with microphones or sitting in the front rows or back rows singing
with microphones. Tell them NO. This practice overpowers the rest
of the congregation's singing.
Another sign: The assigned use of ' feigned clappers', individuals assigned to
clap to get the congregation to clap to songs. These individuals are placed
in the back or front of the congregation with the express purpose of clapping to
get the congregation to clap with them. This is actually being done in
congregations without members of a congregation knowing it is assigned
and occurring. You can read about this online. I have seen this attempt/change
from visiting the Whittier church at different times over the years.
I believe I actually saw it there because they did not have clapping, then years
later they did. It manifested itself by a few people clapping in the back,
having the blue screen suddenly, and the praise teams. I have seen the same
at a congregation in Riverside. The singles group member there giving a sermon and
in it made the quote by Jeff Walling which was published online back then,
a quote deemed inappropriate for a sermon: "There are a lot of nice looking sisters
here". This individual demonstrated an appalling inappropriate attempt at a
joke in his sermon : 'Man gets buried in an Elephant's manure as the elephant poop'.
Putting it together, I was appalled because it appeared this guy was attempting
to be a joking Jeff Walling. Walling is known for that, and an online account shows an
occasion of Walling going overboard and mocking brethren publically outside of their
presence with a joke because he disagrees with their position or opposition
to him.
Mr. Walling is a former youth leader of the Garden Grove Newland
street Church of Christ. Walling left the Newland street church to
become minister of the Mission Viejo Church of Christ. Mr. Walling
attempted an aspect of his sinister plan there (Mission Viejo church
secretary told me) (apparently Walling was scorned), and left there to
become minister at the Providence church of Christ in North Carolina.
Mr. Walling was there until sometime in the mid 200's, but is no longer
at the Providence church. As of 2014, Walling is rumored to have been
hired at a 'church' called Eastside church somewhere in Orange County
California. This church is not a Church of Christ.
Warning to God's church, the Churches of Christ around the world
and across the U.S. : Preacher Bruce Rokus has fallen prey to the devil
ways of heresy apostate Jeff Walling, Walling's evil movement, and
Rick Warren apostates. As of 2012, I was told by the executive office
of Harding University in a phone call to that office that Jeff Walling was
banned from speaking at Harding Christian University because of his
evil scheme to undermine the Churches of Christ with his evil stealth
plans to change God's church into Rick Warren Community apostasy
Bruce Rokus is on Walling's band wagon of demonic thieves and robbers.
(See the book of James on demonic conduct and attitude)
Jesus says, "If any man enter by any other way, this man is a thief and a robber."
By their apostate division, Bruce Rokus and Jeff Walling have become thieves
and robbers, stealing what belongs to the Lord and his church. Jesus warns
of wolves in sheep's clothing, and the Bible teaches about those who would
creep in not sparing the flock.
God's word says God hates it when brother causes strife between
brethren. "18 A heart that devises wicked plans, Feet that run rapidly
to evil, 19A false witness who utters lies, And one who spreads strife
among brothers." - Proverbs 6:17- 19
God hates what Jeff Waling, Bruce Rokus, and the other
the people in Jeff Walling's evil movement are doing. They have left
the Lord and are up to mischief : Sneaky, creeping - stealth and demonic
division to change the Churches of Christ into their perverted view
and even change the name of the Churches of Christ (Romans 16:16).
God's word says: To mark them that cause division, have nothing to
do with them, and to sharply rebuke them that are contrary.
Bruce Rokus is an admirer and follower of the Rick Warren apostasy,
and is a follower of apostate Jeff Walling and Walling's U.S. wide plan
of attempting the removal nationwide of the Church of Christ by turning
the Churches of Christ into Rick Warren Community 'churches'.
Rokus now also leads in this division, which the Lord rejects and
instructs in his word to reject and avoid. Rokus's effort has been underway
gradually for many years, most notably during the 90's when a banner
showed up on the front of the church building promoting Rich Warren's
book '40 Days of Purpose' which in fact the banner promoted as a 40
day ' Bible study' study of Warren's book. Rick Warren and his people
teach that one is saved without water baptism, which is in utter contradiction
to God's word, Jesus's word. (1 Peter 3: 21, Romans chapter 6, and
Acts 2: 3, and Mark 16:16). Warren's book has many good things to say,
but God's word instructs to avoid individuals with beguiling smooth words
who will lead one away from the truth of God's word and way, and this is
exactly what Rick Warren and his Saddleback so called 'Community' Church
do. Rick Warren's teaching and church actually lead many astray, down
the road into perdition . Rick Warren has had in the recent past Catholic
priest at a seminar held on Warren's ' church' property, not for the purposes
of debating the error of Catholicism, but in conjunction with a conjoined effort
with the so called Saddle back Community Church which Warren leads.
This is in contradiction with what God's word instructs about not having
anything to do with or encouraging the division that false teaching creates.
Dear members of the Church of Christ across the United States and worldwide:
Reject these apostates Jeff Walling and Bruce Rokus who have left the Lord
to follow their own arrogant belly and self willed ways. They do not lead and are
not God's church.
Bruce Rokus, baptized by Jeff Walling's father years ago, has chosen to
follow apostate Rick Warren's Community church corporate model and
Jeff Walling's apostate movement.The Lord rebuke Bruce Rokus and Jeff Walling
apostates lead the current 'new' so called 'Crosspoint Christian church' led by
Bruce Rokus was theBruce Rokus led 'Whittier Church of Christ' at 8155 Painter
Ave. Whittier, Ca 90602, renamed Crosspoint Christian church as of
sometime before Jan. 2015 has become an Apostate church led by Bruce Rokus.
Led by Rokus for many decades, the 'Whittier Church of Christ' at
8155 Painter Ave. has recently been renamed by Rokus and his cohorts
'Crosspoint Christian Church' as of sometime shortly before Jan. 2015.
Because of Rokus's ungodly divisive ways, true godly and faithful members
have left the location to worship elsewhere. God bless them as they remain
faithful in the Lord. Pray that the Lord will send others to restore- restart his
church at the Painter avenue location, or start the assembly elsewhere in
May we be engaged in the Lord's work, loving God, and love our neighbor
as ourselves.
As God's words says, "Rejoice in the Lord always, and again I say rejoice!"
And as Jesus says," With men it impossible, but with God, all things are possible."
and, "As for me and my household, we will serve the Lord."
and "I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me."
As God's word says, "Be watchful", and " be on your guard, for your
adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion seeking whom
he may devour", and " put on the full armor of God, that you may be
able to withstand the fiery darts of Satan." As Paul exhorted Timothy,
let us be good soldiers in his work, pray, and work for the defeat of
the ungodly, divisive Jeff Walling/ Bruce Rokus ' Gospel of Me
Entertainment In place of Worship' movement, a heresy that depends on
the Rick Warren Saddleback Church 'Believe only and you're saved
- Say the Sinners prayer and you're saved- You don't have to be baptized'
heresy. The Lord rebuke Satan's workers !
The Angel and Balaam's Donkey
…27When the donkey saw the angel of the LORD, she lay down under
Balaam; so Balaam was angry and struck the donkey with his stick.
the LORD opened the mouth of the donkey, and she said to
Balaam, "What
have I done to you, that you have struck me these
three times?" 29Then
Balaam said to the donkey, "Because you have
made a mockery of me! If
there had been a sword in my hand, I would
have killed you by now."…
But he was rebuked for his wrongdoing by a donkey--an animal
without speech--who spoke with a human voice and restrained
the prophet's madness.
Jeff Walling is said to have taken drama class at UC Irvine to help his
preaching. Someone tell Mr. Walling: Preaching is not acting. The
actor rides his horse. May it run out of hay, turn to Mr. Walling
and speak to him, like God made the donkey speak to the silly
speaker in the Old Testament. The horse, speaking in allegory of
the himself and mud (not literally of course) in this poem, says:
~ The False Teacher Attempts To
Ride The Horse of Truth, Ah, If the
Allegory Horse of Truth Could Talk
- What Would He Do and Say ? ~
Stop talking thou foolish
and false teacher. I am the allegory
truth horse, and I am bigger than you.
I can throw you off my back and hither
to the ground and into the mud,
To dirty your face and clothes,
to humble thyself and makest
thou look at thyself as you
To humble thy proud, arrogant,
and foolish ways, for thou sayest dumb,
evil, and divisive things as ten times a
child of hell and hypocrite.
Thinkest thou funny, humorous,
and liked by those desiring to be
tickled in their ears by thy so
called humor?!
The Lord careth not, for he shall
throw you and thy evil cohorts
into the lake of fire on the judgment
day like kindling on a campfire unless
thou repent and change your ways.
Now get off my back, and ride
me not, unless thou repent, for the
Lord hath made me a creature to
serve honorable men, not of thy
I am the Stallion of truth and honor
for his glorification, meant for the
purpose of the Lord; sent to serve
him and the true soldier of the Christ.
Amen !
~ A poem by anonymous
To Jeff Walling and his cohorts:
Do you know how to ride a horse?